2ulfab (Tool.Fab) is a privately held boundaryless company with a personal vested, balanced and action-oriented management team currently resident on three continents. The Company’s founding and senior management team collectively combine 125+ years of global experience growing and scaling international businesses, digital transformation, and specifically furniture manufacture and design. Our endeavor embodies a collective quest for purposeful global impact through digitalization of manufacturing to democratize access to wealth generation by building and empowering a global mission aligned distributed light manufacturing ecosystem. In so doing, we extend the current embrace of digital transformation beyond limited services sector of economies.
New Edge epitomizes the first of multiple light manufacturing industries 2ulfab has set out, with a triple bottom line focus, to reimagine and reshape. New Edge Furniture combines smart automation with a suite of 21st century manufacturing technologies and processes to pioneer a reconfiguration of the furniture industry – a shift away from lengthy, inefficient “one size/style fits all” mass manufacturing and retail to one-to-one custom personalization with neighborhood manufacturing fulfillment.
A mega trends focused ‘conscious investor’ by professional experience Bharat founded IC Ventures LLC, his private investment firm in 2003. His prior experience at the intersection of global investments, strategy and business development included over a decade at two Fortune 200 US multinational companies and the World Bank.